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Showing posts from January, 2024

Do you believe in fate?

 Ken awakes as a groggy mess. He's had that exact same dream again. The one where the woman whom he doesn't know bleeds to death in his arms, and as she's choking on her own blood, she begs him to not blame himself. He's never understood why he has this dream so often, but it's a little concerning.  He considers bringing it up to his therapist as he stumbles from his room to the bathroom to get his day started. Once he's able to shake the cobwebs of his nightmare off his brain and get some caffeine in his system, he's on his way to work.  Halfway through his shift at the cafĂ© he's pretty much forgotten his dream and he's gotten into a groove of busting tables, taking orders, and making drinks when a new face walks in. Only, it's not entirely new to him.  She's the woman from his dreams. It's nice to see her not covered in blood. She gives him the same look of bewilderment and slight freight he's sure he has to be giving to her. As she

We wanted the summer to last forever

 The way the setting summer sun frames her pink hair makes the way she tosses her head back to laugh at my terrible pun seem that much more beautiful. A soft breeze blows over the pond and tousles her hair gently, bringing the scent of honeysuckles with it. "You know," She says, her voice still light with laughter, "I don't understand why you stay by yourself so much. You're so kind and funny." I want to tell her that I'm only like this to her. I want to tell her that I cherish her and I love her, and her patience in getting to know me and allowing me to open up on my own terms made me love her all the more. I want to tell her that I feel trapped and claustrophobic when I'm around too many people. I want to tell her that I stutter over the simplest of words when I have to go to a fast food chain and order a burger, and the anxiety gets so much worse when I'm around people I want to impress. I want to tell her I'm not confident enough speaking

"Get out, you big oaf!"

The following is a sneak peek from P; TBB!  Ember moved slower, more carefully through the underbrush as they made their way back to camp with the herbs. Her footfalls seemed way more calculated as they walked, and Storm tried to understand her patterns, but it seemed incredibly random to him.  Trying to follow her footsteps instead of finding how to do it himself caused Storm to lose his footing and step into a gopher hole. “Oh-!” His paw immediately started getting pushed out by the resident gopher as he yelled, “Get out! Get out, you big oaf! Just because you and your species rule this area doesn’t mean you get to rule my home!”  “I am so sorry, sir!” Storm scurried back a bit, falling on his bottom once his foot was dislodged. “I would sure hope you’re sorry! You trample around up there while I’m trying to sleep and then have the audacity to step in my home! I outta bite you!” “It was a misstep, sir, honest.” “Well, keep your missteps out of my home!” And with that, the gopher went

Happy New Year!

 My writing goals for this new year are as follows; 1) Update this blog every week. 2) Get the second chapter of P; TBB typed out, and hopefully be able to start on the 3rd chapter. 3) Flesh out the outline for P; TGP and solidify the plotline to lend itself to P; HWS. 4) Finish the outline and character outlines for TCOBC. 5) Read some books I've been putting off. What's everyone else's goals for this new year?